Squinternet of the week.

My schedule has been pretty busy as of late and, unfortunately, I am left with very little time for perusing the internet for all of those witty little links that seem to pop up all over the social networking sites. Luckily though, I'm connected to some pretty cool people who are seriously skilled at finding the most interesting gems. There were quite a few good ones posted this week. Too many to share on Facebook without clogging up everyone's news feed. So, instead I have listed some here for you. Just in case you haven't already had the privilege of viewing them during your weekly or daily (or, lesbehonest, hourly) trawl.

Did you have the best childhood ever?

A Les Mis character guide: Fun if you've seen the film. Better if you've seen the stage play. Best if you've been directly involved with production and can equate people you know with the characters.

25 Things You Don't Have to Justify to Anyone.

50 Sure Signs That Texas is Actually Utopia: Tacos all the time. Get with the program.

What, oh what would we do without Buzzfeed?
Feel free to send more my way!



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